Why write this blog

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It is a way of giving my other self, my unconscious and perhaps artistic self, a way of expressing itself, and thereby helping me working things out. It is somewhat cathartic in a positive way. :)

11 August, 2010

What if tomorrow was the last day of your life? Part I

What if...
Tomorrow you were to experience the world for the very last time?
Tomorrow was the last time you could feel and taste and see and touch?
Tomorrow you were to experience life for the last time?
Tomorrow was the last time you could feel the blood in your veins, your heart beating in your chest, a slight breeze in your hair, the touch of a lover...?

What if...
Tomorrow you learned you had a specific terminal rare kind of cancer?
Tomorrow a terrible international event provoked World War 3 and nuclear weapons could strike you at any time?
Tomorrow scientists announced that they had missed a massive comet due to hit the Earth and wipe out where you live?
Tomorrow the world would end?

What if tomorrow was the last day of your life?

What would you do?
How would you feel?
Where would you go?

If tomorrow, your life was no more...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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