Why write this blog

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It is a way of giving my other self, my unconscious and perhaps artistic self, a way of expressing itself, and thereby helping me working things out. It is somewhat cathartic in a positive way. :)

01 February, 2010

Moving On

It's time to move on. Really?
I thought I had. On two different occasions in the last 6 months. You really don't know how things are going to turn out do you?
About 9 months ago I moved away from difficult living arrangements. Since then, I have fallen in and out of love getting my heart broken in the process, got into trouble at work after being unjustly been accused if harassment, upset my bosses and had a really long look at my life. Those were dark days indeed last Summer.

For the last 3 months though, things have started
to look up. I have met a mentor who forced me to change what I was already in the process of realising I had to change. I have resolved things at home partially. I have changed my personal look, I am more sociable. I got more responsabilities at work as I wanted.
And now... well now I feel it is time to move on once again, to endure yet more change, to complete the cycle sort to speak.
But what does that mean? What does it entail? I don't want to hurt anyone by doing it, far from it. Even if I believe that sometimes you have to be a little selfish and think of yourself.
We'll see, I'm sure surprises are in store, especially given the recent turbulent year I have just experienced...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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